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Open Space Task Force Minutes 5-6-02

Meeting of May 6, 2002

Meeting Called To Order:        5:30 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:              7:10 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Herb Asplund, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans,
                        Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Roy Normen,
                        Karl Reichle, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

MEMBERS ABSENT: Marcia Banach, Sol Kerensky, and Betty Osborne

GUESTS PRESENT: John and Ann Jacques, John Dzen, Jr.

Botteron read highlights of letter from Ryan Reitsma who will be doing clean up work, trails, bog bridges, and signage on the Kelley, Waldron, Willard property toward his Eagle Scout award.  Discussion regarding the naming of parcel.  Recommendation to name parcel
Rated and ranked the proposed subdivision to be known as Vintage Hill (formerly known as Pudium Property), located on Barber Hill Road.  This 8.34 acre proposed subdivision open space rated as somewhat desirable for Town ownership.  Its qualities consist of being a god buffer between farmland and residential areas maintains rural characteristic, proximity to existing open space (Wildlife Sanctuary).  This property also affords for wildlife habitat, is indicated on the Areas for Prospective Conservation Map which is part of the Open Space Master Plan.  These comments will be put forth in a transmittal and forwarded to the Town Manager
Briefly reviewed notes from Botteron
Mike Gantick reported that he had received a call from Dave Stygar of DEP regarding the status of the Open Space Grants.  Town has not requested funds from DEP as of end of April 2002.  Mr. Stygar said South Windsor was the only town out of original 19 grants, 3 years ago not to receive funds.  Concern about status expressed.  Mr. Gantick indicated that it was his understanding that the Mayor had spoken to the Town Attorney regarding the matter.

Normen brought up the fact that Parks and Recreation Commission has re-established their priorities for the implementation of their Master Plan.  Snow will ask members of the Parks and Recreation Commission if they would like to attend the next Regular meeting of the Open Space Task Force.

Botteron reminded members that there is a Leadership Roundtable Meeting on May 16, 2002, and requested presence of two members.  Botteron and Gantick will attend.

The next scheduled meeting is June 3, 2002 at 5:30 p.m.